
Venture Talk : Adapt or Die!

As the economy changes in a ultra-dynamic competitive environment , it is coming vital to ask the right questions! Data is the « new essential ». Any organization has to know what their client want, how their competitors act ... else they will run out of business.

Adapt or Die

As the economy changes in a ultra-dynamic competitive environment , it is coming vital to ask the right questions!

Data is the « new essential ». Any organization has to know what their client want, how their competitors act ... else they will run out of business.  

DARWIN GOES DIGITAL! It’s all about Business intelligence and data is the ribosome. December’s VentureTalk was about MONEY, Today’s VentureTalk is about DATA.

You are entrepreneur, running a startup or a SME? This VentureTalk is for you!

A must see to any entrepreneur and creative brain! Sit down and enjoy the digital format !

Our Speaker

Xavier Comtesse

Xavier Comtesse

Background & Experience

  • Thinker (Avenir Suisse - ManufactureThinking)
  • First CEO Swissnex Boston (Father Founder)
  • Diplomat Washington
  • CEO of three Startups in Geneva (70/80)
  • PhD Computer Science University of Geneva
  • Master in Mathematic University of Geneva


17:00 Adapt or Die - Talk by Xavier Comtesse  

17:20 Online Q&A with the participation of Pascal Meyer - Founder & CEO of Qoqa.ch

Venue and date: Online from home
March 4th at 17:00

Don't wait to register, places are limited!


Free event - registration required

Guest speaker Q&A Session

Pascal Meyer - Founder & CEO of Qoqa
Pascal Meyer

Pascal Meyer is the founder and CEO of Qoqa, the leading online retailer in French-speaking Switzerland. Starting from scratch, he has built a startup that today makes more than CHF 70 million in annual sales and continues to grow.

Special bonus for all participants

To go even further on the subject of this Venture Talk and bring you value, each participant will be offered Xavier Comtesse's latest book and will receive it directly at home.

Résilience et innovation
Résilience et Innovation

Thanks to our Sponsors He-Arc & enovating!

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