
We're hiring !

Mandated by one of our Swiss-based multinational Partner active in high-precision R&D technologies for consumer products, we are looking for:Scientist(s) or Engineer(s) in Material Sciences / Microtechnology /Microfluids / Microsystems / Microptics (full-time).

Microcity is hiring!

Mandated by one of our Swiss-based multinational Partner active in high-precision R&D technologies for consumer products, we are looking for:

Scientist(s) or Engineer(s) in Material Sciences / Microtechnology /Microfluids / Microsystems / Microptics (full-time).

This unique opportunity is a chance to join Microcity’s team to develop innovative solutions that will help solve our Swiss-based Partner’s challenges.

This hiring is part of the Firewaves program. Firewaves is one of our programs aimed at SMEs and particularly large companies.

Striving to constantly innovate and improve its services, Microcity has recently created a new tool whose function is to bring concrete solutions to the heart of your challenges.

Apply now!

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